INSTITUTE INDEX: The big money behind the latest attacks on renewable energy

Dirty-energy interests are spending big to scuttle state policies promoting renewables.
Date on which North Carolina state Rep. Mike Hager (R-Rutherford) told the audience at an event in Wilmington sponsored by Americans for Prosperity — a front group for the billionaires behind the Koch Industries oil refining and pipeline conglomerate — that he will continue his fight to freeze the state's renewable energy portfolio standard (REPS) during next year's legislative session: 11/12/2015
Under North Carolina's REPS, percent of electric utilities' retail sales that must now come from renewable sources: 6
Percent the REPS says must come from renewable sources by 2021: 12.5
Number of legislative proposals to freeze the REPS at current levels that Hager, a retired Duke Energy engineer and vice chair of the Public Utilities Committee, championed in this year's legislative session, and which passed the state House with AFP's backing and are pending in the Senate: 2
Hager's rank among the North Carolina legislature's top recipients of Duke Energy's campaign contributions: 1
While Duke Energy claims to be "neutral" on North Carolina's REPS, amount it has contributed to a group called Consumers for Smart Solar, which is challenging a proposed pro-solar constitutional amendment in Florida: $60,000
Amount Duke Energy spent to help elect Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R), who has campaigned against pro-solar policies: at least $600,000
Amount contributed to Consumers for Smart Solar by the 60 Plus Association: $100,000
Between 2008 and 2013, amount 60 Plus received from five Koch-connected nonprofits: more than $40 million
Date on which Florida voters will go to the polls to vote on a pro-solar ballot initiative, as well as a competing anti-solar measure put forward by Consumers for Smart Solar: 11/8/2016
Amount invested in clean energy development in North Carolina since it adopted its REPS in 2007: over $2.6 billion
Number of full-time jobs that development supported in the state annually: 37,100
Monthly REPS charge for the average Duke Energy Carolinas customer, which Hager and his allies claim is excessive: $.39
Amount REPS is expected to save North Carolina electricity customers through 2029 by avoiding the need for expensive new power plants: $651 million
(Click on figure to go to source.)
Sue Sturgis
Sue is the former editorial director of Facing South and the Institute for Southern Studies.