INSTITUTE INDEX: High stakes for Southerners in Obamacare subsidy challenge

Map from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Click on it to see a larger version.
Number of Americans who could lose their health insurance if the Supreme Court rules against the Obama administration in King v. Burwell, a case challenging the legality of subsidies for Affordable Care Act policies bought on the federal exchange: about 7.5 million
Number of states using the federal exchange because they refused to set up a state exchange: 34
Total number of Southern states that have set up their own exchanges: 1*
Average monthly subsidy for people who signed up for coverage this year under the Affordable Care Act: $268
Percent of the premium the subsidy covers on average: 72
Of those who would lose subsidies if the legal challenge succeeds, portion that would consequently become uninsured: 2/3
Percent of those who would become uninsured who are non-Hispanic whites: 61
Who are working people: 81
Who reside in the South: 62
Percent by which premiums would increase for those who kept their policies: about 47
Of the four plaintiffs behind the lawsuit, who argue that they have suffered harm by being forced to either buy health coverage or pay a tax penalty, number who are Virginia residents: 4
Percentage points by which the rate of uninsured people has fallen under the Affordable Care Act in states that have not set up their own exchanges: 2.8
Percentage points by which that rate has fallen in Texas: 2.6
In Florida: 3.8
In North Carolina: 4.3
Number of days after the court hands down a decision, expected in late June, that consumers could lose their subsidies: 25
Number of times in the past that the federal government has taken away benefits from such a large number of people: 0
Percent of residents in potentially affected states who say they would want their state to open its own health insurance exchange should the Supreme Court rule against the administration: 59
Percent of Democrats who say this: 61
Percent of Republicans: 51
* Kentucky
(Click on figure to go to source.)
Sue Sturgis
Sue is the former editorial director of Facing South and the Institute for Southern Studies.