INSTITUTE INDEX: America's widening racial wealth gap
Number of times by which the wealth of white U.S. households exceeded that of black households in 2013, according to a new study from the Pew Research Center: 13
In 2010: 8
Number of times by which the net worth of white households exceeded that of Hispanic households in 2013: more than 10
In 2010: 9
Rank of 2013 among the past 30 years in which the racial and ethnic wealth gaps were at or about their highest levels: 1
Percent increase in the median wealth of white households from 2010 to 2013: 2.4
Percent decrease in the median wealth of Hispanic and black households respectively over that period: 14.3, 33.7
Portion of households of color that are liquid-asset poor, meaning they have less than three months' worth of savings on hand, conservatively measured at $5,887 for a family of four: 2/3
Factor which which African-American households are more likely than white households to be liquid-asset poor: 2
The median net worth of a white family with less than a high school education: $51,300
Of a Hispanic family with a college degree: $41,000
Of a black family with a college degree: $25,900
Percent of the U.S. racial wealth gap driven by disparities in homeownership: 27
Portion of every single dollar in wealth that's gained through homeownership: 2/3
Percent decrease in the homeownership rate for white households from 2010 to 2013: 2
For minority households: 6.5
Of the 10 states with the highest rates of black homeownership, number that are in the South, where home values tend to be lower: 8
(Click on figure to go to source.)
Sue Sturgis
Sue is the former editorial director of Facing South and the Institute for Southern Studies.