INSTITUTE INDEX: Fast-food workers strike again

Number of fast-food workers and their allies arrested in nationwide protests Sept. 4 demanding raises and union organizing rights: 500
Number of cities where the sit-ins took place: about 150
Number of cities where home care workers joined the protests: 6
Number of cities where protesters were arrested: 3 dozen
Number of protesters arrested outside a McDonald's in Charleston, South Carolina, where a passerby said "this sort of thing doesn't happen": 18
Number of people arrested during the sit-in in Durham, North Carolina: 26
Hours that Tina Watson, a manager at a McDonald's in New Zealand, flew to take part in the Durham protest: 13
Minimum hourly wage in her country: $14.25
Hourly wage U.S. fast-food workers are seeking: $15
Current average fast-food worker hourly wage: $9
The federal hourly minimum wage: $7.25
Amount to which President Obama wants to raise the federal hourly minimum wage: $10.10
Level to which Seattle recently increased its hourly minimum wage: $15
Level to which the hourly minimum wage would increase under proposals being considered in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles: $13
Percent of U.S. fast-food workers who receive some form of public assistance, such as food stamps or Medicaid: 52
Amount that assistance costs U.S. taxpayers each year: $7 billion
McDonalds' net income in 2013 alone: over $5.5 billion
Total number of one-day protest actions by fast-food workers held to date: 7
Amount the Service Employees International Union has spent underwriting the movement, known as Fast Food Forward: more than $10 million
Month in which the National Labor Relations Board ruled that McDonalds could be treated as a joint employer with franchisees in labor complaints, which could boost workers' ability to unionize: 7/2014
(Click on figure to go to source.)
Sue Sturgis
Sue is the former editorial director of Facing South and the Institute for Southern Studies.