INSTITUTE INDEX: A primary drenched in outside money
Total amount of outside spending -- expenditures independent of candidates and parties -- reported to date on state-level races in the May 6 North Carolina primary: $2,470,050
Amount of that outside money spent in the race for a single North Carolina Supreme Court seat: $1,146,691
Percent of all the spending on that single high court race that came from outside groups: almost 77
Amount Justice for All NC, a conservative super PAC that's made large ad buys in recent state Supreme Court races, spent on one TV attack ad against incumbent Justice Robin Hudson, a Democrat who faced two conservative challengers in the officially nonpartisan contest: more than $774,025
Amount Justice for All NC received in an eight-day period in April from the Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) based in Washington, DC: $900,000
Amount North Carolina companies and individuals have given to the RSLC so far during the 2013-14 election cycle: over $1.6 million
Amount of that from tobacco giant Reynolds American, the RSLC's largest North Carolina donor: $739,107
Percent of total spending in the Hudson primary that Justice for All's ad buy accounted for: 52
Number of times the ad ran over the 16 days it aired: 1,173
Amount NC Chamber IE, the outside expenditure arm of the leading state business lobby, reported spending in support of Hudson's conservative challengers, Eric Levinson and Jeanette Doran: $345,000
Percent of the NC Chamber IE's total spending on the primary that represents: 86
Percent of the total spent on the North Carolina Supreme Court race that benefited Hudson: 11
Percent of the vote Hudson won to survive the primary: 43
Percent of the total spent on the high court race that benefited conservative challenger Jeanette Doran: 71
Percent of the vote Doran got, knocking her out of the race, which will pit Hudson against Levinson in November: 21
Number of previous North Carolina Supreme Court primary races with this level of spending: 0
Percent of Americans who believe campaign cash is affecting decisions in the courtroom: almost 90
Percent of state judges who believe that: almost 50
(Click on figure to go to source. For more information on outside money in North Carolina state elections, visit
Alex Kotch
Alex is an investigative journalist based in Brooklyn, New York, and a reporter for the money-in-politics website Sludge. He was on staff at the Institute for Southern Studies from 2014 to 2016. Additional stories of Alex's have appeared in the International Business Times, The Nation and