INSTITUTE INDEX: States' rights wielded against the poor

Date on which North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory (R) announced his support for legislation to cut benefits for his state's unemployed workers: 1/31/2013
Amount by which the bill, incorporating recommendations from the NC Chamber, would cut maximum weekly unemployment benefits in order to speed debt payments to the federal government: $185
Maximum weekly unemployment benefit under the bill: $350
Amount someone has to earn to qualify for the maximum benefit: $55,640
If the bill passes, number of North Carolina residents who would lose federal emergency unemployment assistance because federal law penalizes states for cutting the maximum benefit: 80,000
Date on which North Carolina legislative leaders introduced a bill blocking implementation of parts of the federal Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. "Obamacare": 1/30/2013
If the legislation passes, number of the state's uninsured residents who won't be able to get Medicaid health insurance coverage: 500,000
Percent of the Medicaid expansion's cost that North Carolina would have to pay for the first three years: 0
Date on which Tennessee lawmakers also introduced a bill to block Medicaid expansion: 1/31/2013
Number of other states where leaders either said they would not participate in the Medicaid expansion or are leaning that way: 15
Of those states, number in the South: 7*
Date on which North Carolina Republican House leader Rep. Mike Hager defended the unemployment and Medicaid bills as a way to assert states' rights under the 10th Amendment, saying they were a message to the feds to "stay out of our business": 1/30/2013
Decade in which Southern politicians invoked "states' rights" to oppose anti-lynching measures: 1930s
To oppose fair-employment legislation: 1940s
To oppose school desegregation: 1950s
To oppose fair housing laws: 1960s
Year in which Mississippi formed a State Sovereignty Commission in response to the Supreme Court decision outlawing segregated public schools with the stated mission to "protect the sovereignty of the state" from "federal encroachment": 1956
Year in which the "Sov-Com" was shut down after having served as a segregationist spy agency that infiltrated church and community groups, encouraged police harassment of activists, and obstructed voter registration drives: 1977
Date on which current Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant (R) asked asked legislators to pass a bill blocking enforcement of “any unconstitutional order” by President Obama: 1/16/2013
Date on which two Mississippi GOP lawmakers, citing "Obamacare" and other issues, introduced a bill to create the Joint Legislative Committee on the Neutralization of Federal Law to reject measures "outside the scope of the powers delegated by the people to the federal government in the United States Constitution": 1/21/2013
* Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas, and Virginia
(Click on figure to go to source.)
Sue Sturgis
Sue is the former editorial director of Facing South and the Institute for Southern Studies.