INSTITUTE INDEX: What's at stake in the Supreme Court's health-law case

Number of days this week the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments over the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the 2010 health-insurance reform law also known as "Obamacare": 3
Number of Americans who are currently uninsured, a problem ACA addresses in multiple ways: 50 million
Number of states that have challenged ACA's expansion of Medicaid, the joint federal-state health care program for the poor and disabled, arguing that the largely federally-financed expansion is somehow coercive: 26
Of those 26 states, number in the South: 7*
Rank of the South among U.S. regions with the highest percentage of uninsured adult residents: 1
Percentage by which the rate of uninsured adults in the South exceeds that of the East: 190
Estimated number of Americans who have already used ACA provisions to get free preventative care through their insurance plans that previously would have been subject to co-pays or deductibles: 86 million
Amount saved by senior citizens because of prescription drug discounts included in the law: $1.5 billion
Number of small businesses that can now claim tax deductions for providing health insurance to employees: 4 million
Number of people who have been able to receive health care because of the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan created by ACA: 50,000
Year in which that provision will apply to all adults, ensuring that people with existing medical conditions have access to care: 2014
If the Supreme Court strikes down the law's individual mandate to purchase health insurance, estimated percentage increase in premiums for individuals who don't get insurance through their job: 2.4 to 40
Number fewer people who would have insurance coverage without the mandate: 12.5 million to 24 million
Amount by which repealing ACA would increase the federal deficit: $210 billion
Month in which the Supreme Court is expected to hand down its decision on the law: 6/2012
* Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas
(Click on figure to go to source. Photo from SEIU's Flickr photostream.)
Sue Sturgis
Sue is the former editorial director of Facing South and the Institute for Southern Studies.