INSTITUTE INDEX: Exposing America's worst climate polluters

Date on which the Environmental Protection Agency unveiled a new database of major greenhouse gas polluters: 1/11/2012
Rank of power plants among the largest U.S. industrial sources of greenhouse gas pollution: 1
Metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent emitted by the nation's power plants in 2010: 2,324,000,000
Percent of greenhouse gas emissions reported to the EPA in 2010 that came from power plants: 72
Rank of Southern Co./Georgia Power's Plant Scherer in Juliette, Ga., among the biggest U.S. greenhouse gas polluters: 1
Metric tons of greenhouse gas pollution released by Plant Scherer in 2010: 22,978,929
Rank of Southern Co./Georgia Power's Plant Bowen in Cartersville, Ga. among the biggest U.S. greenhouse gas polluters: 2
Metric tons of greenhouse gas pollution released by Plant Bowen in 2010: 21,026,397
Rank of Southern Co./Alabama Power's Plant Miller in Quinton, Ala.: 3
Metric tons of greenhouse gas pollution released by Plant Miller in 2010: 20,752,490
Rank of Luminant's Martin Lake power plant near Tatum, Texas: 4
Metric tons of greenhouse gas pollution released by Martin Lake in 2010: 18,701,286
Among the 10 states where industrial facilities emitted the most greenhouse gas pollution, number in the South: 6*
Rank of Texas among the states with the greatest industrial greenhouse gas emissions: 1
Percent by which Texas' greenhouse gas emissions exceeded those of second-ranked Pennsylvania: 228
* The top 10 states in descending order are Texas, Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Georgia and Alabama.
(Click on figure to go to source. Aerial photo of Southern Co./Georgia Power's Plant Scherer by Antennas via Wikipedia.)
Sue Sturgis
Sue is the former editorial director of Facing South and the Institute for Southern Studies.