Why I'm feeling merry and bright

I won't lie -- it's freezing here in North Carolina. But thanks to you, I'm feeling merry and bright.

Investigative Fund

Why? Because however chilly it is outside, one thermometer keeps going up: the one tracking our holiday fundraiser for the Institute Investigative Fund!

And if you can pitch in $25, $50 or more today, I know we'll reach our holiday goal of $35,000 for honest journalism and a voice for a better South.

Just make an online donation here now.

Last week, I asked if you and other Facing South readers had the holiday giving spirit.

You sent back a clear message: No Scrooges, Grinches or Bah-humbugs here. You've already helped us raise over $20,000 for our holiday campaign -- almost 60% of our goal!

That money will go directly to the Institute's high-impact investigative reporting, training new journalists and a stronger voice for change.

You already know what we can accomplish together: From the BP oil spill to the 2010 elections, our investigations this year kept you informed and made national news. The readership of Facing South nearly doubled.

You and the Institute's community of friends made it possible. And we're going to need your help again as we tackle new and bigger issues in the coming year.

Today, you can help us expand our programs and make the 2010 holiday campaign a success. Just make a special tax-deductible gift right now.

Thank you and happy holidays!

PREFER TO DONATE BY MAIL? Please make checks payable to Institute for Southern Studies and send to:

Investigative Fund
PO Box 531
Durham, NC 27702

All donations to the Institute are tax-deductible. Thanks!