Oil industry subsidies: A gusher of another kind
Amount of public funds spent worldwide subsidizing the oil and gas industry from 2000 to 2007: at least $61.3 billion
Rank of the U.S. among providers of aid to the global oil industry during that time: 1
Amount of subsidies the U.S. provided to the industry worldwide: $15.6 billion
Subsidies provided by the World Bank Group, the industry's single biggest benefactor: $8 billion
Year in which Paul Wolfowitz, who as U.S. Defense secretary was a key architect of the Iraq War, became president of the World Bank Group: 2005
Year in which the World Bank increased its energy sector commitments by more than half: 2006
Percent of the World Bank's energy program accounted for by funding to the oil and gas sector: 77
Percent accounted for by renewables: 5
Amount the International Finance Corp., the private-sector lending arm of the World Bank, provided to oil and gas companies in 2007: more than $645 million
Percent by which the IFC increased support for oil and other fossil-fuel projects in 2006: 93
Percent by which it increased support for renewables and efficiency that year: 46
Percent of World Bank Group's extraction projects since 1992 that have been designed for export rather than alleviation of energy poverty: more than 80
Estimated amount in domestic subsidies that national governments provide each year to the oil and gas industry: $150 billion to $250 billion
Estimated amount of annual subsidies the U.S. gives the oil industry if the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and Coast Guard protective services are counted: $78 billion to $158 billion
Amount in annual U.S. subsidies to the oil industry related just to the military protection of oil-producing facilities and shipping lanes: $19 billion
Amount in subsidies for oil and gas companies over the next decade that the Obama administration recently asked Congress to end: $36.5 billion
Percent of expected domestic oil and gas revenues over the coming decade that amount represents: about 1
Amount by which ending subsidies for the oil industry would affect domestic U.S. production, according to the Department of Treasury: less than one-half of 1 percent
(Click on figure to go to original source.)
(U.S. Navy photo of a controlled burn of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Justin Stumberg.)
Rank of the U.S. among providers of aid to the global oil industry during that time: 1
Amount of subsidies the U.S. provided to the industry worldwide: $15.6 billion
Subsidies provided by the World Bank Group, the industry's single biggest benefactor: $8 billion
Year in which Paul Wolfowitz, who as U.S. Defense secretary was a key architect of the Iraq War, became president of the World Bank Group: 2005
Year in which the World Bank increased its energy sector commitments by more than half: 2006
Percent of the World Bank's energy program accounted for by funding to the oil and gas sector: 77
Percent accounted for by renewables: 5
Amount the International Finance Corp., the private-sector lending arm of the World Bank, provided to oil and gas companies in 2007: more than $645 million
Percent by which the IFC increased support for oil and other fossil-fuel projects in 2006: 93
Percent by which it increased support for renewables and efficiency that year: 46
Percent of World Bank Group's extraction projects since 1992 that have been designed for export rather than alleviation of energy poverty: more than 80
Estimated amount in domestic subsidies that national governments provide each year to the oil and gas industry: $150 billion to $250 billion
Estimated amount of annual subsidies the U.S. gives the oil industry if the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and Coast Guard protective services are counted: $78 billion to $158 billion
Amount in annual U.S. subsidies to the oil industry related just to the military protection of oil-producing facilities and shipping lanes: $19 billion
Amount in subsidies for oil and gas companies over the next decade that the Obama administration recently asked Congress to end: $36.5 billion
Percent of expected domestic oil and gas revenues over the coming decade that amount represents: about 1
Amount by which ending subsidies for the oil industry would affect domestic U.S. production, according to the Department of Treasury: less than one-half of 1 percent
(Click on figure to go to original source.)
(U.S. Navy photo of a controlled burn of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Justin Stumberg.)
Sue Sturgis
Sue is the former editorial director of Facing South and the Institute for Southern Studies.