Start your engines -- our Facebook fundraiser starts at 3pm today!

FJS Facebook.jpgFacebook friends -- it all starts at 3pm today, Wednesday Nov. 4.

That's when we'll enter America's Giving Challenge, a contest to see which non-profit can get the most donations in 24 hours.

*** If you and your friends can donate $10 or more to our cause on Facebook, we can win $1,000 for the Institute's new Freedom Journalism School! 2nd prize is $500. ***

So start your engines now -- and at 3pm go here to win $1,000 for a great cause.

A little background: The Freedom Journalism School is an exciting new program here at the Institute/Facing South to train 50 bloggers and new journalists skills in investigative, public interest reporting.

*** $1,000 would mean a lot to a grassroots project like this -- it would fully cover 10 scholarships for grassroots bloggers and journalists to attend the school! ***

So please, chip in $10 or more on Facebook today -- and help train an army of free and fearless journalists who can change the South and world!

- Chris, Desiree, Jerimee and Sue for Facing South

PS -- ALL IT TAKES IS A $10 DONATION after 3pm today to help us win -- please, chip in today!