Democratic lobbyists fighting labor bill strike gold in Obama era
A quick follow-up on the Democratic-leaning Washington lobby firms that are working for business clients to defeat the Employee Free Choice Act -- the top legislative priority of labor unions, one of the Democratic Party's most faithful backers.
Our piece looked at three key lobbying firms now fighting labor's agenda -- the Podesta Group, Mehlman Vogel Castagnetti, and most surprisingly D+P Creative Strategies, which claims to do "Consulting with a Conscience."
But the biggest out of the three is the Podesta Group, led by Tony Podesta (brother of Obama advisor John Podesta). As we noted, the Podesta Group's access and fortunes have skyrocketed in the new era of Democratic rule -- due in no small part to the legwork and financial backing of labor unions.
To get a sense of just how well the Podesta Group is doing these days, see this piece from The Hill which surveys the 2009 first-quarter lobbying reports of big D.C. firms.
The Podesta Group is the 3rd-biggest D.C. firm in terms of revenue -- and out of the top 10 in Washington, the Podesta Group showed the most dramatic rise in revenue from 2008 to 2009, a +52% rise. [See pdf chart here]
By contrast, the #1 and #2 K Street giants on the list -- Patton Boggs and Akin Gump -- both saw their revenues fall in 2009.
The irony of what's happening is difficult to escape:
* Labor sinks tens of millions of dollars and countless hours of grassroots mobilizing to elect Democrats in 2008.
* Democratic victories lead to unprecedented access and record profits for Democratic lobbying firms, especially the Podesta Group.
* Podesta Group and Democratic lobbyists turn around and side with the corporate lobby to fight labor's most important agenda item, a bill which would expand the strength of unions -- and therefore their ability to elect Democrats.
What's wrong with this picture?
Chris Kromm
Chris Kromm is executive director of the Institute for Southern Studies and publisher of the Institute's online magazine, Facing South.