Live updates on Waxman hearing fireworks

Because of problems with Blogger, we're providing live updates to our earlier post on the Waxman hearings on military contracting over at our top-ranked diary entry over at Daily Kos. Join us there, and feel free to leave comments here or there.

Don't forget to tune into the hearings here, streamed live on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform website.

UPDATE: Breaking AP report: "Three Army Reserve officers and a U.S. contractor were indicted Wednesday as part of a bid-rigging scam that steered millions of dollars of Iraq reconstruction projects to a contractor in exchange for cash, luxury cars, jewelry and other pricey goods." They're charged with scamming $8 million, peanuts by Halliburton standards. Waxman hearings having impact ...

UPDATE 2: Check out the Daily Kos liveblog thread -- 21 updates and 540+ responses! Democracy in action ... And for those who missed the hearings, they're re-showing on C-SPAN: see the schedule here.