Democrats gain in Southern state legislatures

UPDATE: Our Alabama tables got switched. That's another state legislature that's in the DEMOCRATIC column.

Democrats were victorious in key Southern races for U.S. Congress. But how did the election play out in Southern state legislatures?

According to the latest results available, the Democratic wave carried to statehouses in the South, with Democrats making substantial gains in Southern state house and senate races. Among the key results:

* No party flipped control of a state legislative body in the South yesterday. The closest call was the Tennessee senate, where Democrats came within one race of taking the upper chamber.

* Out of the battles for control of 26 house and senate chambers in the South, Democrats strengthened their position in 10; Republicans only did so in 3. There was no change in 10, and 3 others were influenced by independent candidates.

* Democrats saw their biggest gains in Southern state house races. Key states: Florida (+7 house seats for Democrats); Kentucky (+5); North Carolina (+3); and West Virginia (+4). Republican gains were small; the largest was the GOP's 2-seat pickup in the Alabama senate.

* Altogether, Democrats gained 26 seats in Southern state legislatures, and Republicans lost 20 seats in the 13 states.

* Democrats strengthened their position in 8 Southern states; in 5 of those, significantly so (AR, FL, KY, NC and WV). The GOP only strengthened its position in Alabama.

Here's the post-election makeup of state legislatures in the South and what gains or losses it represents for Democrats and Republicans. Chambers with a Democratic majority are in bold:

SENATE: D=23; R=12 (R+2)
HOUSE: D=62; R=43 (R+1)

SENATE: D=27; R=8 (no change)
HOUSE: D=74; R=23; Other=3 (D+2; R-5)

SENATE: D=14; R=26 (no change)
HOUSE: D=42; R=78 (D+7)

SENATE: D=22; R=34 (no change)
HOUSE: D=73; R=104; Other=3 (D-3; R=no change)

SENATE: D=16; R=21; Other=1 (no change)
HOUSE: D=61; R=38; Other=1 (D+5; R-6)

SENATE: D=24; R=15 (no change)
HOUSE: D=63; R=41; Other=1 (D+2; R=no change)

SENATE: D=27; R=23; Other=2 (no change)
HOUSE: D=75; R=46; Other=1 (no change)

SENATE: D=31; R=19 (D+2)
HOUSE: D=66; R=49; Other=5 (D+3; R-8)

SENATE: D=20; R=26 (no change)
HOUSE: D=50; R=72; Other=2 (D=no change; R-2)

SENATE: D=16; R=17 (D+1)
HOUSE: D=53; R=46 (no change)

SENATE: D=11; R=20 (D=no change; R+1)
HOUSE: D=65; R=85 (D+1)

SENATE: D=17; R=23 (no change)
HOUSE: D=40; R=56; Other=4 (no change)

SENATE: D=23; R=11 (D+2)
HOUSE: D=72; R=28 (D+4)

Again, the governing control of each legislature stays the same:

* Democrats still control 6 Southern state legislatures (house and senate)
* Republicans still control 5 Southern legislatures
* Two legislatures remain split