Katherine Harris Watch

Rumors are circulating that Katherine Harris's campaign staff is resigning: The high command of Rep. Katherine Harris's FL Senate bid plans to resign by the end of the week, two people familiar with the campaign tell the Hotline. The departing staff includes Glen Hodas, Harris's campaign manager, her spokesperson, Chris Ingram, and Pat Thomas, her field director. The status of Harris's chief fundraiser, Erin Delullo, is not clear. [..] One person involved in the campaign said there was no single precipitating factor. "She's just very difficult to work with. It's all the same stuff. The more we put her out there, the more she shot herself in the foot," this person said.The article says the resignations were expected to be effective Friday. An update says Harris has accepted the resignation of Chris Ingram, but no others are are mentioned. The article also notes that Jamie Miller, her previous campaign manager, and strategist Ed Rollins both quit in April.UPDATE: More resignations. Looks like most of her top staffers have bailed.