Al Gore tells Atlanta: I'm running (?)

Since Monday, Atlanta Progressive News has been drawing attention to this exchange they had with erstwhile presidential candidate Al Gore:

Following the screening of the absolutely breathtaking and monumental film about the grave and present threat of global warming to this planet, Atlanta Progressive News's Editor asked the former Vice President, "Will you please, please run for President?"

We thought it might help if we asked politely.

After the crowd cheered Gore in encouragement, he told the audience, "I'm a recovering politician, on Step Nine. Thank you for your sentiment." Things seemed a bit gloomy for a while.

But then later, after the larger crowd left the theater, APN Staff Writer Susan Keith brought the issue up again in a more private, yet informal gathering in the theater after the show. "It's not a sentiment!" she said, while others in attendance offered their campaign support and said, stop listening to those consultants.

Then, Gore said: "Like I said, I'm a recovering politician. But you always have to worry about a relapse."

A relapse indeed. Such language appears to have been chosen very carefully.

My view: sounds more like he's leaving an opening, rather that signaling a decision. But who really knows? Gore/Obama in 2008?