Where to Find More...
by David Sirota of Sirotablog
For my last guest post, I wanted to point folks to other places who are working with the Institute for Southern Studies to promote the progressive cause (I'll assume I don't have to promote the Institute since, if you are reading this, you already know about it).
First and foremost, check out the Center for American Progress's review of its "New Strategies for Southern Progress" conference held last month. It is chock full of good stuff. Also, make sure to check out Thinkprogress (CAP's official blog) and the Progress Report. And finally, in a shameless act of self-promotion, visit Sirotablog and sign up for regular e-mail updates (the sign up form is in the upper righthand corner). I'm writing a book for Crown Publishers on the middle-class economic squeeze that is due out in 2006 - if you have suggestions or things I should see, please shoot them to me at david@davidsirota.com
[Bill Rehm 3/30/2005] Somehow, Blogger ate this post of David's last night, so I'm restoring it from our archive.